January 9, 2018 / Last updated: September 13, 2024
Some big personal news: I have promoted Museum Hack’s Chief of Staff, Tasia Duske, into the CEO role.
I have replaced myself! And she’s way better than me.
I will continue to be the company founder and owner and cheerleader. More info below.
Background info
Six years ago, I started hanging out at the Met Museum to give tours for my friends in NYC.
Museum Hack has grown a lot since then. In 2017 we led more than 21,000 guests on semi-private tours, 500+ companies did team building experiences with us, and we taught workshops at dozens of museums around the world.
I continue to get speaking requests at businesses, conferences, and museums to talk about the lessons in what we do.
I never intended to build a booming business out of a hobby. But it happened and it has been the experience of a lifetime.
Many of my friends came and supported me — and continue to support us — along the way. Thank you.
Why the Change?
As the company and team at Museum Hack have grown, I’ve seen my role at the top change.
We have 60+ employees and many more contractors and associates in our extended family. Almost all of my old duties and responsibilities have been delegated to these more skilled and experienced people.
I’m happy knowing that the many specialists and tour guides and managers inside our company are better at their roles than I would ever be.
It hasn’t always been easy, or fun, but the company is much better with me delegating out the stuff I’m not good at.
We are a bigger company now. It makes sense that the person in charge of Museum Hack should focus on process and organization and stability.
It is hard for me to admit, but that isn’t what I’m passionate about. I’m not very good at “stability.”
- For example, I didn’t like running a weekly leadership meeting. I could do it, but I did so reluctantly, not enthusiastically.
I like doing the 0 to 1 stuff, and the 1 to 10 things. I enjoy starting and growing businesses. But it turns out I’m not that great the bigger it gets.
A different sort of leader is required at Museum Hack. I’ve realized that the company needs a CEO that enjoys and thrives in an operational environment.
I’ve been working on this transition during the past year, and I’m happy and relieved and excited to announce it publicly on my blog and in my Friends Newsletter today.
Previously I posted this announcement on my personal Facebook here.
Meet Tasia Duske
She’s qualified to be our CEO because she’s been running the company and helping us grow as our Chief of Staff during the past two years. She knows our business inside and out.
More importantly, Tasia is passionate about museums and staff development. She’s worked closely with some of our largest clients and produced training events to rave reviews.
I know that Tasia is strong in areas that I’m not – like patience, and empathy – and she’s entrepreneurial in ways that we need.
2017 was awesome; 2018 and beyond
This change is well-timed as we’re coming off of our biggest year ever serving more visitors, companies, and museums than ever before.
I’ll write more sometime about the decisions it took to replace myself and about the emotional part of giving up control and daily involvement in a company you create. But for now I just want to get the news out and celebrate this next step in our growth.
I’m fully committed to the awesome power of museums and cultural institutions in 2018 and beyond. It makes me proud to know we have a world-class team who share that vision and are onboard to support Tasia.
The day to day operations of our business won’t change dramatically. Tasia has been involved in many key decisions at Museum Hack over the past six months as I’ve given her and the team more responsibilities in preparation for this transition.
Hooray for Tasia and Hooray for Museum Hack!
What’s Next For Me?
I’ll continue to be the founder and owner of Museum Hack and am shifting to more of a creative and advisory role.
This change is well-timed. 2017 was our biggest year ever serving more companies, visitors, and museums than ever before. We are fully committed to the awesome power of museums and cultural institutions in 2018 and beyond.
I am excited to spend my time thinking about how to reimagine experiences, including at events like fundraisers and conferences. I’ll be searching the world for best practices in audience engagement to share with our clients and museums.
Please help me welcome Tasia as CEO of Museum Hack and join us in starting off 2018 with a bang as we continue to preach the message that Museums Are F***ing Awesome.