Austin’s Barton Creek: Rope Swing, Bridge Jump, and Paddleboards

Last updated: September 13, 2024

Austin, Texas is home to Barton Springs Pool. It is a national treasure. But lesser-known is Barton Creek.

In this article I’ll show you photos from my favorite spots including Barking Springs, Barton Creek, rope swings, the bridge jump, and more.

About Barton Creek

Barton Springs Pool is a three-acre natural spring-fed municipal pool. The water is brisk and chilly.

The pool and the natural spring water spills down into Barton Creek. My apartment is located nearby.

I often go down to Barton Creek to feed the fish and enjoy nature in the morning. Barton Springs Pool and Barton Creek are my favorite places in Austin.

Barking Springs

The lower part of Barton Springs Pool is called “Barking Springs” because people can bring their dogs to play in the water. Since that area is unregulated and unticketed, aka “free,” it tends to be a rowdier public area. People here are often smoking, drinking, grilling food, playing loud music, and having fun. I love it.

We floated in the paddleboards to this area for a few minutes. Then we swam with the fish here. The water is very fresh and clear in this area!

Under the Barton Springs Road Bridge

Beneath the Barton Springs Road bridge in Austin, you can often find groups gathering or fish swimming. There are also many turtles!

I believe this is the first group icebreaker that has ever been done in the history of the world that was on the water, with waterproof name tags, under a bridge. Congratulations to all of us!

a group of people in a circle under a bridge

Aaron Bell led us on all of the paddle boards.
Aaron Bell led us on all of the paddle boards.

Rope Swing on Barton Creek

There are several rope swings set up on Barton Creek.

My favorite one is located just north of the Barton Springs Road bridge.

My friend swinging off the rope swing. The best place to stand for this swing is on top of one of those upper rocks, but be careful!
My friend swinging off the rope swing. The best place to stand for this swing is on top of one of those upper rocks, but be careful!

Bridge Jump

The official name of this bridge is the Barton Creek Pedestrian Bridge. But I call it the jumping bridge.

During the warmer months, people are always stacked on top and jumping off the bridge. Please note: Jumping off of this bridge is illegal, so you should not do it.

Standing on a towel because the metal railing was very hot. It also provides a good grip so you don’t slip.
Standing on a towel because the metal railing was very hot. It also provides a good grip so you don’t slip.

I jumped off the bridge for the first time ever. I’m happy that I finally did it! A few of my friends jumped off, too.

This is what it looks like as you look down Barton Creek from the top of the bridge.
This is what it looks like as you look down Barton Creek from the top of the bridge.
My friend Taylor was standing on the railing, getting ready to jump!
My friend Taylor was standing on the railing, getting ready to jump!

Special Events on Barton Creek

I knew I wanted to do something special for my book launch.

Bringing my friends to my favorite place has been a recurring theme for my large life event parties, like my birthdays. See, for example, bringing my friends to a waterpark, and hosting a summer camp at the Met Museum.

So I did something fun: I invited all of my friends to meet me at my favorite spot in Austin on Barton Creek. We would ride paddleboards out to Town Lake, also called Lady Bird Lake.

My friends and I on Barton Creek floating on large paddle boards.
My friends and I on Barton Creek floating on large paddle boards.

There were a few major things that I wanted to show my friends along the way:

  1. Barking Springs
  2. Swimming with the fish
  3. Icebreakers Under the Bridge
  4. Bridge jump
  5. Sunset on Town Lake

Paddling out to Town Lake

It is easy to paddle down the creek. At the end of my book launch, we paddled down Barton Creek out to Town Lake. Town Lake is also called Lady Bird Lake.

It was so much fun to form a flotilla with all of my friends on the large paddle boards.
It was so much fun to form a flotilla with all of my friends on the large paddle boards.

My Favorite Barton Creek Photos

These are a few more photos that Isaac Rodriguez took during my book launch party in Austin on Barton Creek:

Andrew Warner on Lady Bird Lake.
Andrew Warner on Lady Bird Lake.
After sunset, we paddled back home. It was a perfect night.
After sunset, we paddled back home. It was a perfect night.
Everyone got into the party spirit, especially Ulku (center).
Everyone got into the party spirit, especially Ulku (center).
These guys are great: David, Thanh, and Joel.
These guys are great: David, Thanh, and Joel.

About My Book

I wrote a book called The 2-Hour Cocktail Party. It helps people make friends and build relationships.

You know that well-connected friend who only exists in the movies? The one who throws the best parties and can set up any introduction you need?

Everyone wants to know someone magical like this who brings people together. The secret is: you can be that person. You should be that person. The 2-Hour Cocktail Party will show you how.

My book gives a simple party-hosting formula with step-by-step instructions that will help you meet new people, strengthen your relationships, and make you the person everyone wants to know. Find it on Amazon, Audible, or wherever books are sold online.

More Information

The name of my friends’ company who helped us with all of these paddle boards is Boats & Bats, run by Aaron Bell. Here is their website.

Here are a few of my other big party adventures:

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