Sudden Coffee Review and Unboxing

July 26, 2016 / Last updated: September 13, 2024

It’s like instant coffee. But lots better. My friend Michael Galpert introduced me to the Sudden Coffee test tubes. Here’s what a vial looks like:

Sudden Coffee vial
Single vial of Sudden Coffee (test tube container)

Sudden Coffee was founded in San Francisco by Kalle Freese. You can buy the coffee on their website. I purchased the 16 cups version for $45, including shipping.

Unboxing: Video

The Coffee Test Tubes or Vials

Each of these tubes contains enough coffee for one very strong cup of coffee. Here’s my review: I like it, a lot. I bought these to give as gifts (high novelty value).

My friend Zach Klein said something like, “My office is a bunch of coffee snobs. Didn’t think we’d like it, but we have all converted.”

Four tubes of Sudden Coffee, plastic container with sticker
Four tubes of Sudden Coffee, plastic container with sticker
Ready-to-brew coffee crystals inside of each tube
Ready-to-brew coffee crystals inside of each tube
No flash, showing the coffee crystals from Sudden
No flash, showing the coffee crystals from Sudden

Unboxing: Cards

FRONT: Instructions to Mix, Try, Share
FRONT: Instructions to Mix, Try, Share
So what's special about Sudden Coffee? The beans
So what’s special about Sudden Coffee? The beans
a Thank You note from Sudden Coffee
a Thank You note from Sudden Coffee

Unboxing: Package

Package containing 8 vials of instant coffee
Package containing 8 vials of instant coffee

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