It’s like instant coffee. But lots better. My friend Michael Galpert introduced me to the Sudden Coffee test tubes. Here’s what a vial looks like:
Single vial of Sudden Coffee (test tube container)
Sudden Coffee was founded in San Francisco by Kalle Freese. You can buy the coffee on their website. I purchased the 16 cups version for $45, including shipping.
Unboxing: Video
The Coffee Test Tubes or Vials
Each of these tubes contains enough coffee for one very strong cup of coffee. Here’s my review: I like it, a lot. I bought these to give as gifts (high novelty value).
My friend Zach Klein said something like, “My office is a bunch of coffee snobs. Didn’t think we’d like it, but we have all converted.”
Four tubes of Sudden Coffee, plastic container with stickerReady-to-brew coffee crystals inside of each tubeNo flash, showing the coffee crystals from Sudden
Unboxing: Cards
FRONT: Instructions to Mix, Try, ShareSo what’s special about Sudden Coffee? The beansFronta Thank You note from Sudden Coffee
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