Misc Notes about Le Parker Meridien Hotel in New York City

Last updated: September 13, 2024

I haven’t stayed here in a few years, but I typed up these notes for a friend who was visiting.

Everything random you may want to know about Le Parker Meridien in Manhattan

  • The bar (The Knave) offers the best bar snacks of anywhere. Fried olives, great nuts, just very hearty, filling snacks. Be sure to ask for a snack plate (free) if you get a drink down there.
  • The Burger Joint is famously hidden in the lobby. Pro tip: You can call from your room to “skip the line” and make your order in advance. You can also sort of just skip the line, walk to the register, and say “I’m a guest here: can I put in an order?” and they should support you.
  • The pool is on the roof. The gym is in the basement. There is a facility fee ($15?) that covers usage of both.
  • There’s a very decent Thai restaurant next door to the hotel (west on 56th St) that I’ve been to a few times. Affordable, intimate, not a long wait, very good.
  • Whole Foods in Columbus Circle for snacks or groceries, if you happen to be throwing a party.
  • There’s also a Duane Reade on the corner of 6th and 57th, or an alcohol store close to Columbus Circle.

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