Peloton Pitch Deck: 2011 Original Investor Slides

Last updated: October 9, 2023

These are the original slides for Peloton’s very first pitch deck in 2011.

To my knowledge, these are the earliest known investor presentation materials for Peloton.

Slides from Peloton Pitch Deck

Brand name Peloton with words in parenthesis place-holder brand beneath it
The first slide seems to assume that Peloton was just a placeholder!
Header text “Combines the best of all worlds”. Below is a 3-circle Venn diagram with Peloton in the middle of it. First circle: Best Spin Bike Equipment, second circle: Working out with others/friends, third circle: Working out with and instructor/trainer
Peloton combines the best of all worlds…
Header text “Spin Studios Exploding”, a text: “What self-respecting Manhattanite would pay a premium to pedal 45 minutes to nowhere? As it turned out, quite a few.” NYTimes, Oct 2010, Re: Soul Cycle, and two images of a group of people cycling using stationary bicycles.
Spin Studios Exploding
Header text “Social Status” and a list below with three bullet points namely: Top instructors become somewhat celebrities, Youtube sensation for amateur instructors, and Top athletes compete for top spots around the world
Social Status
Header text “Music Content” and a bullet called: Licensing songs - Demand creation / marketing muscle with two sub captions: need rights to songs and have instructors select from approved songs.
Music Content
A screenshot of the Peloton app showing a list of streamers that are doing a live show
A screenshot of the Peloton app showing a list of streamers that are doing a live show.
A screenshot of the Peloton app showing the list of friends of the user and an option to join the class
Early look at the friends list on Peloton from 2011
A gallery of streamers with one of them showing bigger than the others
Preview gallery of Peloton instructors
A gallery of Peloton instructors from 2011 with their total viewership close-captioned at the bottom
Streaming figures or viewership added on top of instructors
A gallery of streamers with the leaderboard showing on the upper right of the screen
Leaderboard showing in top right
A screenshot of the Peloton app showing the list of friends of the user and an option to join the class
Preliminary app screenshot shows “Join Class” button
Header text “Global Market for Physical Fitness Equipment to Exceed US$10.5 Billion by 2015” with highlighted text at the bottom “Exercise Bikes represents the fastest growing product segment in the global physical fitness equipment market”
Global Market for Physical Fitness Equipment
Header text “What is protectable?” with a three bullet points below listing Integrated ecosystem for instructor content attached to an exercise bike with social / friends integrated on top, Volume controls where music and instructor’s voice are reduced when friends talk, Lots more (let’s talk)
What is protectable? And I love the last bullet “Let’s talk!”
Header text “Value chain” showing how Phase 1 - Software only works: Integrate with off the shelf
Phase 1: Software Only
Header text “Value chain” showing Phase 2 - Develop Custom Hardware
Phase 2: Develop custom Peloton hardware
Header text “Prototype/Iterate Environment” with two bullet points listing In-house R&D set-up with ~3 bikes, separated by walls, and Fast test and incorporate feedback cycle
Prototype / Iterate Environment (last slide)


I like Peloton! I have a lot of respect for all that they have built. I’ve been a happy user of their app since April 2020.

Thanks to Motherboard for originally sharing these slides as found in their legal filing. You can see the original source document here.

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