January 7, 2017 / Last updated: September 13, 2024
I really like the floor to ceiling mirrors and the staircases. The ceilings seem very high and the art deco finishing such as the rococo touches around the banisters, the metal handrails for the stairs and the extremely elaborate and fancy old style elevators plus what looks like a museum quality huge table in the lobby. All of these things stick out to me, but they are contrasted by terrible lighting. It appears that they have replaced a lot of their lights with LED bulbs which give off a very harsh white light, not like a soft old world romantic feeling.
Photos of Gran Hotel
Video Transcript
I’m in the Gran Hotel Ciudad de Mexico and check out the glass.
Built in 1899 in downtown Mexico City. It overlooks the Zocalo, which is their Times Square.
The rooms are advertised as 5 star. I got upgraded to a junior suite room. It was okay.
It’s most famous though for this view as you walk out. Look at that stained glass. It really is immaculate. The best I’ve ever seen. This is art nouveau style at it’s absolute finest.
I enjoyed walking around the hotel. The feeling of space here is quite fantastic as I walk into the 2nd floor lobby with these enormous ceilings.
When you go to Mexico City you’ve got to come inside this lobby. Thanks for watching! Adios!
- Read recommendations my friends gave me and learn what are my top 3 must-see places in Mexico City.
- Syeda Tayyeba: That ceiling looks incredible!!