Headshots of Nick Gray
These images may be used as headshots of Nick Gray for speaking and media appearances.
2024 Headshot of Nick Gray
Click each image for high-quality, print-ready file.

Wide Headshot: Nick Gray (2021)
Click each image for high-quality, print-ready file.
Square Headshot: Social Media
Portrait: Nick Gray
Older Images, Wide: Nick Gray (2017)
Click each image for high-quality, print-ready file.
Older Images, Tall: Nick Gray (2017)
Click each image for high-quality, print-ready file.
More Images, Resources
- Nick Gray on Instagram: email me to [email protected] for any high-resolution copies of these photos.
- Biography or Bio of Nick Gray: read this for Nick’s official bio for speaking engagements, podcast appearances, etc.
- Museum Hack: Press and Media: Collection of images showing Museum Hack tours, staff, and museum scenes.
- Nick Gray (2018) Keynote Speaker at Wake Forest University: Many photos from a recent speaking engagement
- Keynote Speaker About Innovation and Disruption (2017): Lots of pics from my speaking engagements
- Nick Gray Videos, Vidblogs, Video Diaries: Fun videos I’ve made recently