[VIDEO] Tour of Zach Smith’s Boat

Last updated: September 13, 2024

Recently I got to take a tour of my friend Zach’s boat! Come aboard and check it out with me.

Video Transcription

What do you do when you sell your company?  By a boat, of course!

This is my friend Zack Smith.  He was one of the founders of a company called MakerBot Industries. MakerBot makes 3D printing robots.  Their very popular now and the company was sold to a much larger company for a lot of money.  Zack took some of that money and bought this catamaran sailboat.  He’s sailing all around the world and I’m gonna give you a tour of the boat.

The Boat

Here’s me and Zach when he came into New York City.  There’s the view from New Jersey.  This is a weather instrument that tells like airspeed. I don’t really know how to sail, but I know about trampolines and Zack’s boat has two trampolines up front you can lay out of.  There’s a lot of technology on board like these solar panels which provide a lot of electricity.

This is not technology, it’s the cat!  In here, dining room, catamaran means there’s lot of interior room.  Zack loves this cat on board and he said it makes sailing around the world so much more fun.

This is Zack’s first mate. He helps him with a lot of different things on board. There’s a full kitchen, there’s a tea kettle.  Hi, we’re down in the owners section of the cabin.  Is that what’s it called?  I don’t know?  Maybe just the office/workshop.  Office/workshop area.  We got a 3-D printer, we got some battery charging stations.

Wow, re-back, rewind, 3-D printer?!  Zack uses a 3-D printer to make handy modifications on board like these devices that simply hold his ores, these things (light switch covers) and a mounting system for his kite board. I love that Zack uses 3-D printing on board his sailboat.

So now I am walking into the bathroom, into the shower, in the boat. How cool is that?  The Rhythm is a catamaran sailboat that’s 46 feet long, 24 feet wide, 68 feet tall and weighs about 15 tons.

Thanks Zach!

Thank you Zack for hosting me.  I can’t wait to come back aboard. Here’s the view to New York City.

What’s up!  Thank you for watching my video.  If you enjoyed this please press the like button.  That helps more people see it.  I like making these videos to show the cool stuff that my friends are working on and more likes helps more people see it.  Thank you for watching. Have a great day!

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